What are Rhythm Meditations?
Rhythm Meditations is an awareness practice inspired by TaKeTiNa (created by Reinhard Flatischler and co-developed by Cornelia Jecklin.)
Instead of being taught rhythmic patterns, participants are invited into an embodied experience of the underlying structures within the music.
Each participant learns at their own edge, in their own timing.

Rhythm Meditations?
Rhythm Meditations, led by Zorina Wolf, are informal and enjoyable sessions to learn basic concepts of rhythm, found in the body. These meditations are available to all, in person, and on-line, and on the YouTube channel.
Rhythm Meditations are designed for you to build your own rhythm practice.
Each time we meet, we can learn by simply being in the field of a rhythmic pattern. The leader vocally sings, (over time,) the beats, off-beats, motivs, double time, and single time patterns within any given rhythm. When we hear and feel a rhythm simultaneously, we connect to a deeper understanding of space and time.
Each group, each rhythm, each person, ‘groks’ rhythm differently. Take your time to let this practice unfold.

What is TaKeTiNa?
In a TaKeTiNa circle, the leader and group build a structure in rhythm- first, vocalizing a series of repetitive rhythm syllables or mantra. This vocal mantra connects the voice to simple stepping patterns. Gradually, the leader guides us to add handclaps, some of which are not on footsteps. Over time, the group is invited to sing call-and-response melodies with the leader. Each song can ground us or destabilize us. Moving, clapping, and singing rhythms, we begin to feel connected to a groove, then lose it, only to find a new way to re-connect again.
Rhythmic surprises become an opportunity to relax and laugh with uncertainty. Being flexible in rhythm encourages us to have greater creativity within our changing lives. The TaKeTiNa rhythm circle is an opportunity to practice encountering fluctuation and gaining flexibility within this unpredictable life.