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Whole Person Drumming
By Zorina Wolf

The magic of drumming is an art, a means of communication and healing, and a way to bring harmony to community. I teach drumming as my teachers (primarily Babatunde Olatunji) have taught me.
The drum teaching is both oral and aural. As we speak Baba Olatunji’s drum language, and as we say the melody of “notes,” playing the drum follows easily. The rhythms become internalized ‘songs’, circumventing the need for prior musical training.
Some of the rhythms taught are parts of songs and dances to honor cycles of the year, rites of passage, and all aspects of life, work, and celebration.
I believe in the power of understanding and embodying the rhythmic structures that we create and play within, and developing our own chants. We can learn simple stepping patterns to ground the feeling of pulse in the body.
Thank you for exploring what Village Heartbeat® has to offer.
About Village Heartbeat
Village Heartbeat is an organization dedicated to building and educating a rhythmic community –the home of Whole Person Drumming. Classes use adapted traditional music of the African Diaspora, as well as modern trance grooves.
Village Heartbeat has hosted community drumming and dance and rhythm events, and offers drum and rhythmic movement classes, retreats, and TaKeTiNa workshops in the San Francisco Bay Area and Southern California, the Northwest, Dallas and Austin, Salt Lake City, Hawaii, Colorado, Baltimore, Northwest Florida, British Columbia, Mexico, and Malaysia.
Mission Statement:
Village Heartbeat® brings the power of rhythm to community. By opening ourselves to the language of rhythm and drums, we recreate our musical culture, which has the power to heal, unify, and inspire.
Zorina’s Personal Mission Statement:
I believe that rhythm is a neutral and intelligent entity or force. As we align with something powerfully neutral (i.e. neither praising or blaming) we begin to find rhythm as a resting place, a place of self-healing, acceptance, and inner self-organization. Aligning with our rhythmic intelligence helps us to be embodied and present.
About Zorina Wolf

Zorina Wolf is the founder of Village Heartbeat and developer of the Whole Person Drumming® curricula. She is an advanced TaKeTiNa leader and pan-African drum teacher. Through Village Heartbeat, she is offers a variety of workshops in the US and intergalactically.
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